Quality management
Highest quality and customer satisfaction are our priorities.

Quality management
Excellence in engineering is always at the core of our work. Our engineering team guarantees direct Design Organization Approval (DOA) and EASA Part 145, 21G and 21J compliance, as well as FAA repair station status, ensuring accuracy for all design, development, modifications, upgrades, and repairs. The highest quality, safety and customer satisfaction are our principles of action.
General Atomics AeroTec Systems has the following certifications and approvals:
BAAIN Bw AQAP 2310Download
DIN EN 9100:2018 & DIN ISO 9001:2015Download
EASA Part ORADownload
EASA Part ORA-ATODownload
EASA Part ORA-FSTDDownload
EASA Part 21GDownload
EASA Part 21JDownload
FAA Repair StationDownload
EASA Part 145Download
LBA Part 21JDownload
LufABw DEMAR 145Download
Nadcap NDTDownload
LufABw LTBDownload
CAA-UK Part 145Download

Approved and certified training center
General Atomics AeroTec Systems is an EASA approved training organization von Do228 pilot and crew training. At EDMO Airport Munich Oberpfaffenhofen GA-ATS operates a Do228 flight simulator, that is certified as Flight and Navigation Procedure Trainer level II (FNPT II) by the German Luftfahrt Bundesamt (LBA).